2023-06-27 04:08:15来源:互联网

1、what animals are the sea?

2、there are all kinds of animals in the sea. look! they are coming. this is an octopus. the octopus is spraying ink. this is a shark. the shark has sharp teeth. this is a whale. the whale shoots water into the air. this is a sea turtle. the sea turtle has a hard shell. these are starfishes. the starfishes have five legs. these are angelfishes. the angelfishes have beautiful colors. this is a lobster. the lobster has strong claws. this is a jellyfish. the jellyfish has a soft body. they are different. but all of them live in the sea.





6、Naughty monkey, it"s very hot.

7、An old man fell asleep in the chair. A fly came and landed on the man"s nose. The old man has a naughty monkey. He chased flies. The fly came back and sat on the old man"s nose again. The monkey drove it away again and again. This happens five or six times. The monkey was very angry. He jumped up, ran to the garden and picked up a big stone. When the fly sat on the old man"s nose again, the monkey hit it hard with a stone. He killed the fly and broke the old man"s nose.






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